Ten More Nights to Fear
Ah, it feels like things are in full swing now. We're well on our way to H-Day. Of course I had a prep night first, when I watched Willard as a matter of watching new DVDs that I bought. Along with that movie I grabbed up a group of four movies for a ridiculously low price of $10 or slightly less. The four movies are all related involving some town called Collinsville. Maybe you've heard of them, or maybe not. I also grabbed up another weird movie (or so it seems) called Pinata Survivor Island that I haven't watched yet. It has Nicholas Brendon (from TV's Buffy The Vampire Slayer) in it so I figure how bad can it really be. Well, time will tell.
I still as yet don't know what to make of the current format war between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. It's maybe too early to tell, but thankfully--for me at least--it has not stopped new regular DVDs being released and I take it as a bad sign for the new ways that old movies are still getting new regular DVD releases with new features like the previously mentioned 2-disc NoES. Chalk it up to age but I don't remember if I complained yet about two of those re-releases. I was rather dismayed to find out about the release of new super editions of Pet Sematary and The Dead Zone (the original directed by Cronenberg). Don't they know that I just finally got my hands on an extra-features-light copy of each of those. Now I'll have to see about selling them when I get the new ones because the new features are so desirable. What a nightmare.
Speaking of which, last night's New Nightmare was everything and a side of fries as they say. Heather Langenkamp is so easy on the eyes, and the movie is just so smooth and well organised in drawing from the original and still providing good twists and turns. There are some scenes that I just absolutely adore, like the slowed down surreal scene in front of the audience, or that one moment of pure parental horror with no antagonist, or the scene where the voice in my head was screaming at me, "Who needs James Cameron we have Wes Craven!" | |
Tonight's movie is Waxwork and it's sequel Waxwork II. Yes, a double feature, and probably the only one I'm going to have. This one is only due to the highly integrated nature of these two films, with one following right on the heels of the other timeline-wise, not to mention they're available on the same DVD, and they're just so much fun to watch one after the other. The first Waxwork is a straight on horror. The second, is a horror comedy/spoof that just happens to be a pretty good adventure to boot. I could almost spill all the beans right now. |
Mood: exasperated.
Music: Halloween by Aqua and Dragula by Rob Zombie.
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