13 Nights of Halloween:
Night #5: Ghost Ship
Tonight's movie is from those grisly horror-meisters at Dark Castle

This movie has to have one of the best beginnings of a horror movie ever. It makes me drool just to think about it. K.N.B. EFX Group does an absolutely stupendous job as always on practical special effects. It's hard to believe I never really noticed that group's name on movies until only recently. They're a staple of the horror industry going back years and years. The company has their name on 149 movies in the IMDB for special effects. They range from today back to 1973. Of course they are not the only reason to see this movie. It's always good to see Gabriel Byrne in a movie, and Julianna Margulies was just excellent.
Mood: chillaxin.
Music: Meet the Creeper
Labels: classic, Dark Castle Entertainment, DVD, Ghost Ship, ghosts, grisly, Halloween, hauntings, horror
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