13 Nights of Halloween:
Night #6: Thir13en Ghosts
Tonight we have "Thir13een Ghosts" a remake of a film of the same
First off on the wow scale we have the set(s) for the bulk of the movie, a big mansion kind of house with all of the walls made of out unbreakable glass. The walls have weird writing all over it when seen through the special glasses that the characters find in scattered rooms. Besides being a nightmare for the filming crew this mansion is a real house of horrors. Then of course we have the ghosts, which I touched on already. Tony Shaloub stars as the new owner of the house and proves there was life before Monk (which I've never really watched). We also have Matthew Lillard as a psychic, and man oh man, if this isn't a perfect role for him and maybe even a better performance than he gave us in Scream. So, what are you waiting for? Watch this movie already!
Mood: hyper.
Music: Killers
Labels: DVD, ghosts, Halloween, horror, Matthew Lillard, psychic, Thir13en Ghosts, Tony Shaloub
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