13 Nights of Halloween:
Night #8: Unrest
Tonight we delve into the horrors from After Dark Films with their
One thing I do want to point out about "Unrest" is something that cropped up in the trailers. The trailer claims that there are real corpses in this movie. I can't say one way or another if there is but it was filmed in a real morgue. I didn't know what to make of this before seeing the movie because sometimes films will do improper things, but rest assured I saw nothing untoward or troubling. The corpse that the story revolves around isn't real because it would take some doing to find the perfect specimen, and one that would look like the live actress in the flashbacks. That out of the way, the movie is interesting, different as I said, and I was greatly pleased with buying it.
Mood: serious.
Music: Hotel California
Labels: After Dark Films, corpses, CSI, DVD, Halloween, horror, Horrorfest, Unrest
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