Sunday, November 06, 2005

Laughing in the Hiding Bush

Isn't it fun when listening to something immediately makes you wish you were listening to something else, not because you dislike what is currently playing, but because it reminds you of something greater or more finely tuned to your style? I'm always pleasantly confused about how such things happen. Just what causes such episodes? Science-y people can probably tell you what happens when such an event is triggered, but what really precedes that moment when the chemicals move, and all brain activity is just chemicals moving, changing, what have you? It's almost as interesting as the things determined about seeing being almost as good as doing from the brain's standpoint. Reality is what you witness to a high degree. Dare it be said an almost frightening degree?

Things are progressing on the e-book selling front. I have sorted out several technical issues which would have definitely been detrimental to the process. There are still a couple more hurdles yet to be overcome. Editing began on the book itself and is progressing well enough. One story I intend to expand upon, it ended up missing a scene that I very much wanted in it, but didn't have time to sort out all of the details for because of the deadline it was written under. The final decision was also made that the book will include one brand new story so everybody gets a surprise.

This week I'll be experimenting with designs for the sales pages. A couple key points of Paypal use have come to light. First, now people with credit cards need not become a Paypal member to order items. The second is that Paypal also offers shopping cart functionality through their servers and don't require software on my end or pages designed by them to make use of the functionality. This is good news indeed. Onward and upward!

Mood: maudlin
Music: Tearing Down the World by Royal Hunt and Silver Wings by Bruce Dickinson


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